3 Questions Book Cover3 Questions | The Book

A year of interviews I conducted on the social network Ello collected all in one place.

What would happen if you asked a complete stranger three questions?

Over the course of a year that’s exactly what I did. I asked photographers, painters, graphic designers, gun owners, animators, pizza enthusiasts, beggars, poets and more three questions.

This book is the result.

The interviews collected in this book first appeared on Ello, a community of creators, thinkers, and dreamers.

MEASURING 6"x9" (15x23 cm) printed in FULL (economy) COLOR (or COLOUR if you prefer that spelling).

INCLUDES a foreword written by @ello :ello: Chief Product Officer Lucian Föhr (@lucian) and an introduction by me, Jeremy Burnich of Joy Complex (@joycomplex).

AND featuring the insights, wisdom, dreams, likes, dislikes, and more from 45 members of the :ello:Community (46 if you include Fake Mark Zuckerberg).

Kervin Brisseaux - @brisseaux
Firoze Shakir - @firoze_shakir
Trevor Van Meter - @heytvm
Anneke Wastyn - @anneke-wastyn
Lola Dupré - @loladupre
Joel Pedersen - @joelpedersen
Carson Chan - @carsonchan
Paige Williams - @beneaththestars
Dirk Marwig - @dirkmarwig
Hexeosis - @hexeosis
Ricardo Porto - @portostreetshooting (in memoriam)
Paulo Abrantes - @pauloabrantes
Andreas Reh - @andreasreh
Brendan B. Goat - @b_goat
Tim McFarlane - @timmcfarlaneart
Shut Up Cláudia! - @shutupclaudia
Loris F. Alessandria - @loriseffe
Miles Partington - @milespartington
Maude White - @maude_alta
Katalin Branner - @katatratra
Mark Zuckerberg - not on :ello:
Marie Meier - @mariemeierart
Aunia Kahn - @auniakahn
James Arzente - @jarzente
Don Nelson - @dbriannelson
Your Daily Bread - @yourdailybread
Jay Halsey - @jayhalsey
Heiko Müller - @heikomuller
Studio Soufflé - @studiosouffle
Chris Bathgate - @chrisbathgate
Christopher Hoffmann Jacob - @chdesignchris
Neil Howard - @neilhoward
Hans Juergen Sommerfeld - @hjs-photo
Guido Gloor Modjib - @haslo
Catchphrase Dan - @catchphrasedan
DeShaun Craddock - @deshaunicus
Matthew Schiavello - @matthewschiavello
Clayton Shonkwiler - @shonk
Rajiv Pachat - @morpheus2004
Elias Stein - @elias_stein
Shinsuke Matsumoto - @beatgram
Dominique Trudeau - @domtru
Andy Hau - @andyhau
Tony Curado - @truevisionphotos
Riccardo Sabatini - @riccardosabatini
Christiann MacAuley - @xiann

All for the bargain price of: $20 USD