Four Kinds of Hringpoki 10 Krónur Fidget Coins

Halló Hringpokimaður,

It's Yom Kippur so if you don’t feel like reading my message I completely understand. For everyone else, if you don’t read further you’ll miss out on some pretty cool news but no hard feelings if you also file this message in the trash.

Now that’s out of the way, there’s quite a bit to be excited about in the world of Hringpoki.

Artist Collaboration

For one thing, a collaboration in art between myself and Australian abstract photographer Matthew Schiavello looks like it’s finally coming together. This idea has been floating around since April but there have been some recent developments in the project that are very exciting.  

First, I finally decided on a sculptural medium to display mine and Mathew’s work that is compelling and does service to both our work. After much experimentation and even some scientific testing - we are getting close. I expect to have two examples of this collaboration complete by December. I just uploaded a preview of some early test work to our subreddit. Longer exploratory pieces will appear on the Hringpoki blog.  

Speaking of Reddit

If any of you happen to be on that particular social media platform and have an interest in seeing rougher behind the scenes and random posts about hringpoki work and whatever errata comes to mind, head on over to our fairly new subreddit: r/JOYCOMPLEX. Not quite a blog and not nearly as polished on an Instagram, this will be the place where I post quick news and updates and photos won’t be so perfect (good photography is hard work).  

Please feel free to post pictures of your hringpoki items, discussions on how things have held up, ideas for new products, or complaints about old ones. I take pride in my work and want it to be the best that it can be. If you have suggestions for improvement then I want to hear about it.

Hringpoki Stones

Word is getting out and my hringpoki stones are making their way onto hands and into pockets all over the world. I don’t know how the word is spreading but for a not inexpensive rubbing stone, they are being purchased semi-regularly. If it’s word of mouth, I just want to say thanks for sharing!

It’s also very exciting to hear back from people about how much they like their stone. I am especially proud of reviews and notes I have received from customers who use the stone for anxiety or to help curb the need to self-harm - such as from skin-picking or trichotillomania. These anecdotal reports, while far removed from FDA approval, mean the world to me because for those people, something I made improved their lives. 

Hringpoki Buyback Program?

I’ve been tossing the idea around in my head of a hringpoki buyback program. Kind of like how Apple does with phones. You send your old hringpoki stone back, you get a discount on a new one, and I refurbish the old one and sell it at a slight discount. 

Any interest program?  

Hringpoki Coins

The newest pocket-sized hringpoki objects are coins - 10 Krónur sized coins to be exact. They are available in various materials - I think the black steel+ is my favorite to look at, but copper still has the best feel. The photo at the top of this post shows what they look like. Prices are up on my Etsy store

I did make a 1 Króna coin in titanium that came out well. But, wouldn’t you know, I lost it at the supermarket! I didn’t even have the chance to take any pictures of it. It was an expensive mistake so you’ll just have to take my word on it that the smaller coins are cool looking, but maybe too small?  

A few 10 Krónur coins have already be shipped over to customers though. I’ll wait for feedback on the overall design before I offer a small coin. I’d like to make sure I have the overall feel of the coin just right before I start playing with sizes.  

Icelandic Lesson

At the beginning of this message you make have asked yourself: what is a Hringpokimaður

It’s a combination of the already compounded hringpoki (hringur+poki) and maður (man). If English worked like Icelandic it could be translated at circlepackperson. It encompasses both male and female hringpoki aficionados. For example, the Icelandic word Þingmaður literally means assembly+man, but all members of the Icelandic parliament (The Alþingi) whether male or female are call þingmaður.  

PS - þingmaður is pronounced thing-mather (like father, with an m instead of an f).

Thanks for reading!

Stay Tuned for More Sometime Later