About The Wonder Women Project

Hedy Lamarr

Pin No. 01

The Wonder Women Project is an attempt at education - my education at the very least. I want to learn more about amazing female inventors, scholars, and minds because I believe it’s good to learn about them.  When I learn about someone amazing, I want to share  that knowledge with all of you.

I believe that the more role models we have to inspire great things in us the better the world can be.

Amazing women should inspire young girls to be amazing and inspiring women.  Being female shouldn’t get in the way of success.  It shouldn’t be a hardship or something to overcome.  Doing a great deed or creating an amazing device shouldn’t have to be prefaced with the phrase “despite being a woman.” Too many times it is, especially in the past when women had to toil to get their ideas and talents across in a male-dominated society.

And when I say the past, I mean the now.  Women are still not on equal terms with men. They are still seen as inferior. They still earn less than men.  They are subject tremendous ridicule and harassment

This has to stop.

We need to see women as more than victims, objects, or "other."

We need to see women as heroes.

Amelia Earhart Apple Poster

Apple Computer "Think Different" poster featuring Amelia Earhart. This poster is framed and hangs in my office.

Amazing women should inspire young boys to become amazing and inspiring men.  It is OK for women to inspire men;  for women to be heroes.  Young boys should put posters of women on their walls - not as pinups - so that by looking up at the poster before they go to bed they will be inspired and reminded that by working hard they can achieve their goals. Female role models should be seen and emulated by both girls AND boys.

Amazing women should inspire us all. It should be absolutely normal to see women in this way.

This is why I started the Wonder Women project.